Thursday Jun 08, 2023

Episode 55: Read Around the World - Australia, New Zealand & Tasmania

This time out, the BXC brothers begin their new occasional series, "Read Around the World," and set their sights on books from/about Australia, New Zealand and Tasmania. These episodes will be your literary "travel guides" to places we may never get to visit in person, but have indeed visited in our imaginations and reading lives. We had a blast touring this region, and recommend quite an array of writers and works for adventurous readers to dive into. Enjoy - who knows where the next excursion will take us? Next time on the BXC: we explore fathers and fatherhood in literature! (P.S. We apologize once again for the less than optimal audio quality. We keep working with what we have to make it better, but we have opted to get the content out there rather than wait on it.)

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John F. Lovell & Jude Joseph Lovell

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